Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Losing my hair as I get older

Sigh! My parents woke me up at 6am, gave me my presents, and then I went back to sleep. Later on I woke up again and discovered that my arm was... streaky. Further examination of my body revealed discoloration on the other arm as well as my legs. I was this close (holding my fingers pretty close together and waving them at the computer screen) to calling my parents and ask them to take me to the hospital because obviously it had to be some sort of blood infection, when I remembered putting on bodylotion with a slight selftanner yesterday. I've done this for years, but usualy only in the summer when I'm already somewhat golden (I don't get a tan. I don't really get red either, my skin just sort of turn a bit golden). And now I know that this is the only time of year I should actually use this, since using it while being as pale as I am right now, makes it look as if it was applied by a 5-year-old.
Even a shower and a pretty harsh body scrub didn't make it go away. However, I lost a big lock of hair. I wasn't even surprised by this, since my hair is quite damaged by more than a year of bleaching and now it's permed.
If anyone has a good trick as how to make damaged hair look a bit more alive, let med know :)

Now I will find some nice ways to enjoy my birthday!

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