Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New boots!

These are my old rain boots (Wellingtons, call them what you like)

At first glance they may just look a bit worn (which they are, I wear them more than any other shoes I have. They are comfy and practical and red and they go with everything), but when taking a closer look you discover that they actually have holes in them...

This sort of makes the whole 'boots made of waterproof material to keep feet dry'-thing pointless. So I went out and got me some new ones. I like how fierce they look! The only downside is that they aren't quite as tall as the old ones = more leg exposed to rain.

Now I just have to get myself together and throw away the old ones... No need to keep them, right? But I'll be missing them, I really will.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Life is keeping me busy at the moment

But since it doesn't seem like I have any readers anyway, I guess there's no need to apologize...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I really don't mean to be this negative...

...but I just have to admit that I don't like people who snore while being on a train. Just like I don't like it when people burp, cough continuesly, and talk to themselves. It's very distracting when I'm trying to write cool and informative posts for my travel guide blog.
I do however like that the coffee on the Danish train stations has improved. Thank you, who ever made that happen :)
AND I like that the sun is shining and that I am now in Copenhagen! Yay!