Sunday, May 23, 2010

Long time no see

I was going to visit some friends when I decided to go to a music festival and suddenly I'd been away for like nine days...

Now I'm back at my parent's house and I have to admit that it's quite a turn off. I mean, I was on the train on my way back and the sun was shining and I read some free newspaper and it said that this music festival was coming up and I started visualising how me+sunshine+music+beer=LOVE. There was no way I could just go home. So I didn't. I went to concerts, I enjoyed the sunshine, I drank beer, and then I went home.

Buuut... being home when it's cloudy and windy isn't any fun, and to make matters worse I've somehow developed a cold during the last four hours.

I've been cyber stalking some people I've met these last few days (which is always a wonderful way to kill time) and now I'll watch lame youtube videos and eat ice cream. Gosh! how I love ice cream. Some day I'll write a song about my favourite foods. Hopefully it's going to make me ridiculously rich and then I'll buy some more ice cream.

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